Fun Friday

We have an end of week family ritual, inspired by long time bloggers at @thefoodpornographer on Instagram and A healthy slice of life

The Bear usually comes up with suggestions for food and this week, insisted on a family games night too!

Pizza is usually the preferred choice but last night, instead of our usual takeaway, I made them at home. I looked up sourdough pizza five days too late and settled for an easy dough from Joy food sunshine .

Toppings were limited but tasty! Pineapple and lots of cheese for the Bear. Spicy olives, chilli flakes and pineapple plus cheese for the grownups!

The pizzas turned out really well and tasty! As for games night, the Hubby recently introduced the Bear to the first two Harry Potter movies and suggested watching the third. A big round of yes ensued and we settled in to watch Prisoner of Azkaban. Popcorn was on standby ready to be popped but frankly we were stuffed from pizza!

A pretty fun Friday had by all.

What’s your Fun Friday ritual?

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